Monday, 15 August 2011

true value aquatics

hello all,
   we have often said,that if you buy your products from the man in the garage then you only have yourself to
blame when the retail industry that gives you the ability to look and compare with your own hands and eyes
does not exist anymore,we at teesside koi have dispite the economic times tried to ensure that you the customer has still got probably the largest selection of koi and tropical fish plus one of the largest dry goods
selections in the north east,
  however we had a customer in the shop yesterday who was looking for an aquatics outlet on the estate,as we have recieved returns in the past for them it was easy to take the customer to the front door and point him in the direction of the post office,yes you guessed it the post code he was given was their post office box no which just happens to be on the trading est in which our unit is located,if you go on there site and look in there terms and conditions you will see there official address is a house in billingham,we have always took a neutral attitude to other businesses that trade this way but the customer had  claimed he had been told by them we had burned down and where no longer trading,
  he was very surprised to find not only are we fit and well but stacked from floor to ceiling with stock,as we tell all our customers as long as you use us we will look after you and 99% of our customers are happy with our service,and we have no reason to change the way we are,after nearly 8 yrs on this est the only thing we need to ask is shall we expand into reptile and pet supplies as we have 3000 sq ft above our heads that isnt
being used,[your thoughts please]
 regards paul

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