Thursday, 21 April 2011

These old folk

I feel it's only fair to share with you Paul's frustration with me. Paul is very upset that i changed his website in particular his very unique choice of vibrant colors. Paul still hasnt forgiven me for changing this and so I have been doing a little extra work in between sorting out the ecommerce side of his site, answering his nagging emails and abusive text messages (lol just kidding) I have decided to create some art work what could have been (took 1min and 47 seconds of my precious time) and I really hope he appreciates the effort i put into this.

I fully understand why paul chose these colors and now relise he was simply forward planning. It works well with the company van, if it was to be parked outside a typical pub you would never see the vomit or urine stains on it left by the local yobs and you certainly wouldnt loose it now would ya. The color is its own tracking device.

Anyway...... On a more serious note, to give you all an update we are currently working on the discount codes so those of you who received a news letter from us just recently we haven't forgotten and you should have these within the next day or 2 thats if paul doesnt blind me with his van :)

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