Wednesday, 28 March 2012


hello all,
          we cannot complain about the weather over the last
few weeks,as usual we are way behind in our work at the
shop,we had hoped to have all the koi photographed and on
the web site by now but be assured we will be spending the
next few days getting them all on the site,we are pleased to
say our own pond is now at 12 degrees which means if this
continues we can look forward to putting new fish in our ponds
intime for easter,just remember the last post and keep checking
your water quality,
   looking forward to maybe getting a summer this year and
spending some time in the garden,so we can finally get those
jobs finished that we have been putting off for the last 3 years
[at least that is what i have been telling the wife]
look forward to seeing you all in the shop.
regards paul

Saturday, 17 March 2012

water quality

hello all,
             we have over the last few days had an
increasing no of people coming into the shop
with water quality problems,please remember
it is far to early to feed hi growth food,our filters
are only just starting to wake up and we should
still be feeding weatgerm,remember dispite the
warm weather we are still only in march so please
feed with caution,
regards paul

Monday, 12 March 2012

prices for hand selected march 2012

hello all,
          we have pleasure in offering our hand selected koi which are
due in on 15 march 2012,at the following prices,as you can see from
 the prices we have not graded the koi,so now is your chance to grab
 a bargain,available to view in shop from fri 16th,
maruhiro ochiba 30-35cm £135 each
maruhiro go sanke mix 30-35cm £145 each
yamazaki mettalic mix 30-35cm £140 each
sekiguchi showa 25-35cm £160 each
we also have a gin matsuba mix on the same shipment they are from
kase 30-35cm prices and photos will be uploaded asap,
regards paul

Friday, 9 March 2012

maruhiro go sanke hand selected 15/3/2012

hello all,
      just to let you know that the hand selected maruhiro
go sanke mix are now on the web and can be viewed
from a link on our home page,
regards paul

Monday, 5 March 2012

hand selected march 2012

go sanke mix
hello all,
       below are 2 boxes of maruhiro hand selected go sanke
mixes due in on march 15 2012,we will try to update prices
asap they are 30-35cm

regards paul
teesside koi

Friday, 2 March 2012

hello all,
           this box of nissai ochiba's has now been confirmed
to arrive on the 15 march,
regards paul