Sunday, 13 November 2011

received a compliment

hi all,
had a customer in the shop today,and he was
full of praise,i see paul has started the revamp
jeanette,yes she replied he was here all night and
did not get in until 6am,anyway how did you know
it was paul,Oh that was easy he said,i just looked
at the mess then walked away laughing,[he clearly
knows me well then]
regards paul
yes the facelift has started

Sunday, 6 November 2011

received a thank you

hello all,
          for the second time in our twelve year history,we have
received a thank you from a new customer who complimented
us on the quality of the conditions we keep our fish in,it is nice
to receive this from a complete stranger,we have in the past been
criticised for having one dirty tank,it does not matter that the other
150 are spotless,its a bit like the program the other night on the
holiday critics,they are happy to nit-pick but not compliment  on
the better aspects of any business,this is one of the reasons the
koi industry is on its knees,to many critics who will always voice
there opinion,whilst the true hobbyists will never criticise the critic
despite them disagreeing with the remarks,
     lets hope the worm turns this year and the true fish keepers unite
and bring the critics to task,because many of us now think we might
as well go Internet only and then you do not have to worry about
peoples remarks,that starts the death bells ringing on our hobby
because then where do we go to view our fish and ask our advice
regards paul
teesside koi