Tuesday, 28 June 2011

koi clubs

Hello all,
           Time flies doesn't it,i know sooner think i am doing well with the blogs then i realise 2 weeks have passed and i have not posted anything, we have a number of people been asking about koi clubs in the area as the nearest one is the newcastle one so would be interested to know if there is enough interest in resurecting the old teesside koi club.
Julian used to run the original club and had a massive following sadly it veered from the track and people lost interest in it,but maybe now is the time to restart it. Our hobby is going through massive changes at the moment and now more than ever we need to support each other anyway we can. Please email us your thoughts and we will answer every one we receive so please get them sent in i am sure we will find people interested
regards paul

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Morning People,

A number of updates have been applied to our website within the last few hours which you may be interested in. We've added new special offer categories to both the Pond and Tropical sections of our store where you will find some pretty good bargins. (Check out the Aqua One Aquariums under the Special Offer category in the Tropical section for example).

We've also added more Koi to the store along with a few other products from our ever increasing product range.

O and before we forget we have also slashed the minimum web order value for free delivery its as of now free delivery on all web orders over £50 and dont forget about your discount codes as these will all expire soon.

The forum is the next part of the site to be updated which should happen within the next 24 hours or so. No major changes here just more of a face lift along with an additional feature where the forum will email you if your post has been quoted.

As always your feedback is welcome, you can either email us at feedback@teessidekoi.co.uk or leave your feedback in the forum.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

hand selected

Hi all,
The hand selected japanese koi are now out of quaranteen and are ready to go.  For those of you asking about chiclids a new shipment arrives on wed 15th june,once again please use the feedback options or enquires if you are looking for something different we may be able to help and it costs nothing to ask.
regards paul

Sunday, 5 June 2011

end of the world

a customer called into the shop the other day and told us that the doom and gloom merchants had
now decided that the end of the world was going to happen in october,my daughter once again
without thinking said,what happens about my holiday will i be able to get my money back if i cant
go on it,needless to say the air turned to laughter once again,you cannot get the staff these days.
regards paul

Saturday, 4 June 2011

beached whale

hi all,
       just thought i would share this conversation i had with my daughter with you,
we where stood in the shop the other day and my daughter said she had taken the
grandchildren down to redcar to show them the whale,i said to her why on earth
do you want to show the kids a dead beached whale,her reply without thinking was
its not a beached whale its a sperm whale,she still does not know why everybody was
rolling about on the floor laughing,we did not have the heart to tell her,
regards paul

english weather

hello all,
          what can i say what happened to our weather,2 weeks ago we where in the middle of summer and
know we seem to be back in winter,spent the day in the shop with my coat on, at least the new hand selected are doing well and the nose rubs on the ochibas and chagois are healing without any help from us so hopefully they will be ready to go as soon as they are out of quaranteen,with some of them already sold we may run out of fish this year because the last shipment is in 2 weeks time so the dillema starts do we buy more or don't we,i think we will just suck this one and see who knows what is going to happen to our weather,
regards paul